-First of the four kingdoms of domain Eukarya, the oldest and most diverse kingdom in this domain. Usually divided into three general groups: algae, protozoans, and slime molds.
-Algae is a main oxygen producer and food source.
-Major groups of algae distinguished by their pigments: substances that absorb light. 4 types:
-Red algae
-Green algae
-Brown algae
-Golden-brown algae.
Cellular Organization, 3 types:
-Unicellular: single cells
-Filamentous: chains of cells
-Colonial: groups of cells attached in a non-chain like way
-A few are multicellular
Phylum Chlorophyta (Green Algae):
-contain chlorophyll a, and chlorophyll b
Lab Examples:
-Chlamydomonas: motile, unicellular, found in soil, lakes and ditches. Has a stigma, which is a reddish colored spot, that absorbs light. Its movement is jerky due to the flagella.
-Chlamydomonas reproduces via alternation of generations. More on this later.

-Spirogyra: filamentous, found in fresh water, has a slippery texture. Reproduces via conjugation. More on this later.

-Cladophora: branched, filamentous, also found in fresh water. Has a coarser texture than Spirogyra. Reproduces via alternation of generations.

-Volvox: colonial, many small, round cells bound in a spherical matrix. Some cells specialize and can make sperm and eggs. Reproduces via oogamy. Motile sperm swim to and merge with the large, non-motile eggs to form a diploid zygote. During asexual reproduction, some cells of Volvox bulge inward and produce colonies called daughter colonies that are contained within the parent colony.

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